Speedy Cash can help you get the cash you need to cover life’s unexpected expenses. Payday loans may be able to help you bridge the gap to your next pay day. We’ll work with you so you can get a payday advance – and get cash fast! You can apply for a payday loan in-person or online, which usually takes less than 10 minutes. As long as you’re at least 18 years old and have a steady income and working phone number, you can apply to get the cash you need quickly.
A payday loan – also known as a cash advance – allows you to borrow money against your next pay day. If you are in need of a small sum of money to hold you over until your next paycheck, a cash advance loan may be right for you. Instead of paying bank overdraft fees, dipping into overdraft protection or paying late fees for credit cards or rent, a cash advance loan can give you the money you need to take care of your expenses immediately. These loans are designed to cover short-term financial obligations.
If you apply online, you provide us with your checking account information, and we’ll deposit the money you need into your account. On your next pay day, we’ll deduct your loan amount and loan fee directly from your account, so you don’t have to worry about making your payment on time. If you choose to apply in one of our payday loan locations, you will need to provide a repayment source, which can be a personal check or your bank routing information. Speedy Cash then provides the money you need on the spot.
Anyone who’s able to complete the simple application process may qualify for cash.
Apply Today!
Speedy Cash will work with you to get you the cash you need. Apply online or in-person today at one of our convenient locations!