Best payday Loan Sites

Best Payday Loan Sites
  • Lower rates. LendUp offers better interest rates on payday loans.
  • Direct lender. Sometimes when you apply for a payday loan online, it's hard to tell if you're applying directly with the lender or a middle man known as a 'broker' or 'lead generator', who profits from selling your information. LendUp is a direct lender, meaning you apply with us, we process your application, deposit the money and accept repayment - from start to finish.
  • Instant decision. What could be better than finding out about your payday loan application quickly? LendUp's unique technology let's us get you approved - fast!

If you have any questions about the top rated payday loans, let us know!

All of LendUp's customer service is handled by the friendly folks at their corporate headquarters in the heart of San Francisco. ¡Se habla español!

Sound too good to be true?

Check out some of the best payday loan reviews from real LendUp customers:

Mary from San Diego says :

"First and foremost: I want to lavish you with praise for the exceptional customer service I've received from you!"

LendUp also impressed Spenser from East Palo Alto, California who says:

"Just applied for a loan. I am shocked that I did that in less than 5 minutes, and it was something I did entirely in a browser. This is too cool."

Interesting facts

  • In finance, Credit risk management is the process of assessing risk in an investment. When the risk has been assessed, investment decisions can be made and the risk vs. return balance considered from a better position.
    The main way to reducing credit risk is by monitoring the behaviour of clients who wish apply for credit in the business. These...
  • Prescreen is the process by which a lender proactively evaluates a consumer's credit history in order to decide whether or not to offer them credit. The process of prescreening consumers happens without the consumers' knowledge and without any derogatory effects on their credit file. The use of credit data for prescreen is strictly regulated by...

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