Payday loans are a risky decision with extremely high interest rates and short repayment terms. Because of the amount for which you can be approved and the ease with which you can receive them, many people find them an attractive choice, especially as an alternative to hefty late fees or service disconnections. With payday loans, you receive your loan and then repay the principal along with interest and fees on your next payday. While this seems simple enough, other factors come into play.
The interest rates for payday loans averages between 300% and 800% and are sometimes as high as 1000%. While these interest rates are for a full-year term and the term of a typical payday loans is between two and four weeks, many borrowers find they cannot payback the large loan amount on their next payday. Large amounts of borrowers then opt to rollover, renew or extend their loans. While these options provide extra time to repay a loan, it also means that those extreme interest rates start adding up and those options generally come with additional fees.
Despite all the negative aspects of payday loans, some people find they have no other choice. Paydays loans should be the very last resort when all other means of borrowing money are fruitless. If in the end you decide to take out a payday loan, we strongly suggest you look into the lending company and its practices before you sign anything. Many companies on the market are the subject of lawsuits and investigations due to illegal lending, shady practices and customer harassment. We remove those companies from our lineup when those issues become apparent, but we recommend you also do your due-diligence. Our top three services – 100DayLoans, NetLoanUSA and 24/7Loan – offer online payday loans, but our lineup also includes credible local companies that offer payday loans in Las Vegas. Have a look at our articles on Las Vegas payday loans to learn more about local laws and for tips on how to avoid payday loans all together.
Payday Loan Companies: What to Look For
With Las Vegas payday loans, you should consider many things. The interest rates, fees and term of your loan are important information, so you want to understand everything they entail. Las Vegas also has local laws that regulate certain features of payday loans. The following explains the aspects of payday loans we think are the most important.
Loan Features
While most people's minds first go to the loan amount when choosing a payday loan service, you should understand that Las Vegas limits the loan amount a lender may lend to you. The law stipulates that the amount cannot exceed 25% of your total monthly income. To put that into numbers, even if a service advertises payday loans up to $1, 000, you would have to take home at least $4, 000 to legally qualify for that loan amount in Las Vegas. Even if you qualify for the full amount, other factors affect your loan amount, including credit and past loan payment history. Many lenders will not lend the full amount to first-time applicants, as well.
Interesting facts
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