Speedy Cash Loans

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Personal Loans are a great way to finance large personal purchases, consolidate multiple payments, or fund personal projects. We offer an array of loans to fit your needs.

Smart Cash Loans
Our Smart Cash Loans are the smart way to borrow money! Smart Cash Loans are available from $200 to $1, 000, so you don’t have to borrow more than you need to.

Fresh Start Loans
We offer a loan designed specifically to assist with repayment of an existing overdraft at our bank. If you are currently in the overdraft $300 or more and need monthly repayment terms, a Fresh Start Loan just might be right for you.

Unsecured Loans
If you are looking to make improvements to your home, purchase new appliances, or cover unexpected expenses, you can take advantage of the competitive rates of our Unsecured Loan. Apply today!

Secured Loans
You can borrow against your savings account*, certificate of deposit*, mutual funds, stocks and other non-deposit “cash-like” collateral to keep growing your savings and investments while you use a loan for the things you need now.

* Savings account and certificate of deposit must be with First National Bank Texas/First Convenience Bank.

Auto, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Loans
Looking to buy a new vehicle? First National Bank Texas/First Convenience Bank can provide low interest rate financing for the purchase or refinance of new or used vehicles such as automobiles, motorcycles, boats and RVs.

Interesting facts

  • bankmecu, formerly the Members and Education Credit Union (mecu), is an Australian financial co-operative based in Kew, Victoria. In 2011, bankmecu reported that the organisation has approximately 135,000 customers across Australia. The organisation employs 348 staff across Australia and holds assets in excess of A$2.6 billion.
    On 1 September...
  • The University of Northampton is a university in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
    In 1924, Northampton Technical College was opened at St George's Avenue, site of the current Avenue Campus. A new building for the college was formally opened by the then Duke and Duchess of York in 1932. A School of Art opened later in 1937.
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Hewlett Packard HP 17BII+ Financial Calculator, Silver
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  • 2-line by 22-character LCD
  • Over 250 built-in functions
  • List-based cash flow analysis
  • Alpha and numeric keyboard
  • HP Solve customizing method