Weekend Cash Loans

Weekend Payday LoansFacing a financial emergency anytime can be stress inducing. But when you’re short of money during the evening, over the weekend or on a holiday, your stress levels can go through the roof. If you don’t have access to credit card cash advances from an ATM, your options are generally limited. Pawn shops are generally closed. Evening and weekend payday loans from brick-and-mortar stores or online payday lenders are often unavailable as well. But for eligible borrowers, LoanNow provides the money you need in minutes* – even on weekends – thanks to our innovative Instant Funding‡ system.

Pawn Shops

Pawn shops provide cash on the spot – if you have tangible property that they consider to have value to offer as collateral. In general, pawn shops only make loans against jewelry, especially gold and diamonds, electronic gadgets – the newer, the better, and some musical instruments. Car title lenders demand your car title in exchange for their loans, although you are allowed to continue to drive your car. Pawn shops are generally on weekends through the early evening and on Saturdays. Very rarely are pawn shops open on Sundays or on holidays, so if you need a pawn shop loan during those periods, you are out of luck.

Brick and Mortar Payday Loan Stores

Many brick-and-mortar payday loan stores pay out your loan funds immediately upon approval. The downside is that like pawn shops, most brick-and-mortar payday loan stores are usually only open until the early evening and provide only limited weekend payday loans. You may be able to obtain a loan on Saturday – but Sundays are nearly always out of the question.

Online Payday Lenders

Getting weekend payday loans from online payday lenders is frequently an exercise in frustration. That’s because online payday lenders deposit your money through the Automated Clearing House System, which requires at least one business day to settle nearly all financial transactions. ACH transactions do not clear on weekends or on holidays, so while you can generally apply for online payday loans 24/7, you very likely won’t receive your money until the following business day.

Instant Funding from LoanNow:

At LoanNow, we don’t issue weekend payday loans because we’re not a payday lender. But we recognize that financial emergencies can occur even on weekends and holidays.

That’s why our online-only** application system provides a response to nearly everyone within 24 hours† and often much faster. Once you’re approved, our innovative Instant Funding‡ system deposits funds to your debit card within minutes. *

The amount of time that it takes to transfer your money depends on whether your bank supports our Instant Funding technology. The transfer could only take a few seconds if your bank participates. If your bank does not support our technology, transfers could require as three business days. But even without Instant Funding most approvals are funded within a few hours or overnight – even on weekends!

Interesting facts

  • EZCorp (NASDAQ: EZPW) is the largest pawn shop operator in the world by market capitalization. It is a publicly traded company based in Austin, Texas. The company is primarily involved with retail, payday lending, signature loans, and pawn lending.
    EZCorp lends or provides credit services to individuals to meet their short-term cash needs. The...
  • A loan agreement is a contract entered into between which regulates the terms of a loan. Loan agreements usually relate to loans of cash, but market specific contracts are also used to regulate securities lending.
    Loan agreements are usually in written form, but there is no legal reason why a loan agreement cannot be a purely oral contract...

Additional information

Desperate money Pay day cash loans Fast Approve
Desperate money Pay day cash loans Fast Approve
Weekend Loans Are Helpful Financial Sources In Any Need
Weekend Loans Are Helpful Financial Sources In Any Need
Easily Find Money Through Cash Loans On Weekends In Emergency
Easily Find Money Through Cash Loans On Weekends In Emergency
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