Finding the time to apply for your payday loan can sometimes be hard to do! Between work, family, leisure and other obligations, your days can fill up in a moment's notice. At Speedy Cash, we know your days are busy and that your time is valuable. To suit your lifestyle, our quick and reliable payday loans are an easily accessible short-term financial solution. Our U.S.-based Customer support line is available at 1-888-222-1014 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. CST and Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST.
One of our helpful and friendly phone representatives will guide you through the loan application process and you'll complete the entire application over the phone. The loan by phone process takes just minutes to complete and you'll receive an instant lending decision. Once you're approved, you'll only need to sign authorization documents and the cash will be deposited into your checking account via electronic fund transfer (EFT) in as little as one business day.
Our payday loans by phone services are available to residents of the following states: Alabama, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming. Our installment loans by phone services are available to residents of Arizona, Illinois, New Mexico, and Wisconsin.
What Do I Need To Apply By Phone?
- You must have a steady income source.
- You'll need to have an active checking account in your name. Have both your routing number and account number in front of you before calling.
- Be prepared to provide the following basic personal information: home address, phone number(s), work address and employment information, two references with phone numbers and income information, if applicable.
Interesting facts
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