PayDay Loans: Is it Really Quick and Easy Money?. Facts & Issues: Payday and Auto Title Loans in Texas
Panelists will present different views about Payday Loans, after which questions will be fielded from those attending. Speakers will be Dean Pawlowic, Professor at TTU Law School and Clay Ranck, Financial Analyst at Evensky and Katz/Foldes Financial Wealth Management.
Borrowers, lenders, and opponents view payday and auto title loans very differently. Borrowers believe these convenient loans are the best alternative to delaying payment on bills, shutoff of utilities, borrowing from family or friends, or selling or pawning personal possessions. From the lenders' point of view, payday and auto title loads allow consumers with an inadequate or blemished consumer credit score to obtain small dollar loans to cope with financial shortfalls. Opponents argue that these loans take advantage of cash-strapped consumers, driving them into long term debt.
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