The Direct PLUS Loan Request provides the school information needed to create your Direct PLUS Loan. You should verify with the school's financial aid office that this is the process they want you to use; some schools may have their own Direct PLUS Loan process.
Your school will tell you what loans, if any, you are eligible to receive.
Direct PLUS Loans are loans for parents of dependent undergraduate students and for graduate/professional students. Direct PLUS Loans help pay for educational expenses up to the cost of attendance minus all other financial assistance. Interest is charged during all periods.
To qualify for a Direct PLUS Loan, you must be:
- A graduate or professional student,
- The biological or adoptive parent of the student, or
- The spouse of the parent and your income and assets were reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or would be reported if a FAFSA were filed.
- The Direct PLUS Loan Request must be completed in a single session.
- Parents must log in using their own FSA ID to complete a Direct PLUS Loan Request.
Use of another person's FSA IDconstitutes fraud. Use only your own FSA IDinformation.
School Name
Student Information
- Student first name, middle initial and last name
- Student social security number
- Student date of birth
- Student address
- Student telephone number
Personal Information
- Permanent Address
- Mailing Address (if different from permanent address)
- Telephone Number
- Email Address
- Alien Registration Number (if you are an eligible non-citizen)
Employer Information
- Employer Name
- Employer Address
If you have previously completed either a Direct Loan MPN or a Direct PLUS Loan Request, some of this information may be populated for you. You should review all populated information carefully for accuracy.
To complete a Direct PLUS Loan Request, you will need:- Approximately 20 minutes to complete.
- Students must log in using their own FSA ID to complete Direct PLUS Loan Requests (graduate students only).