A Payday Advance Loan is a very simple and easy loan. A Payday Advance Loan can help you with those unexpected bills or the unexpected emergency. If you have a bill due that can’t wait until your next payday arrives, come in to USA Checks Cashed and you can take out a Payday Advance Loan for up to $250.00. The USA Payday Loan is simple and easy. In most cases, the whole process usually only takes ten (10) minutes or less. Your Payday Advance Loan is a short term loan that will become due on your next pay day, which is why we call it a Payday Advance Loan.
You can borrow: | Up to $250.00 |
Due Date: | Next Pay Date |
No. of Payments: | 1 Payment |
Pre-Payment: | There are never any prepayment penalties on any loans with USA Checks Cashed. |
What you need: |
It’s simple. Come in, get the cash you need, and pay off the loan on your next pay date. It’s that easy. …..and here is the best thing of all, Your first Payday Loan with USA Checks Cashed is always interest FREE!!! That’s correct. You will not pay one penny of interest on your 1st Payday Loan with USA Checks Cashed. We know there are other lending companies that you could choose to work with, but we created our “1st Payday Loan Interest Free” offer as our way of trying to earn your loyalty and thank you for your business.
USA Checks Cashed will work to earn your loyalty, by striving to make each experience with us friendly, fast, courteous, and informative. Most importantly, we are here to help our customers with their short term financial needs, and we will prove it to you when you work with us. When you come in to one of our many locations, not only will you get your 1st Payday Loan interest free, you will also get to meet our staff, see our facilities and get the experience of how a Payday Loan with USA Checks Cashed can help you with your short term financial needs.
USA Checks Cashed is your Local 1-Stop Financial Services Center with everything you need under one roof. We offer a number of financial services including: Check Cashing, Payday Advance Loans, Car Title Loans, DMV Registration Services, MoneyGram, Prepaid Debit Cards and much more…
A USA Checks Cashed – Payday Loan is typically a one week to 30 day loan that has a due date that coincides with your next payday. A payday loan is not designed to be a long term loan. It is designed to be used as a short term solution to your financial needs. When your Payday Loan becomes due, you have a couple options on how you can choose to pay it back. The 1st option is to simply come into our office and simple pay the loan off with a cash payment. If you pay the loan back in cash, you have the opportunity to take out a new loan the very same day, if your need to. The 2nd option is to just instruct us to process the check that you left us when you originally took out the loan. It is that easy.
At USA Checks Cashed all you need for a Payday Loan is to have a verifiable income and a checking account. Just come in to our store with your state issued photo I.D. (Resident Alien Card accepted), Proof of income, and your check book. You will walk out with the cash you need in less than 10 minutes. The payday loan is a great product that helps thousands of consumers every day. When emergencies happen, come see us. Don’t stress. We will be there for you and we look forward to helping you with your financial needs.
Interesting facts
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