Personal, Personal Loans
Another option when you are in a real pinch for money is to look outside of traditional lenders and lending institutions to get a personal, personal loan. That is, look for a person, either a family member or a friend, who will be able to lend you $5, 000 for a short while.
Make sure that the person you ask has the money to lend and that you take care to draw up a repayment plan designed to prevent bad blood. Make sure you can reasonable repay this loan without ruining the relationship.
Payday Loans Are a Last Resort
In times of absolute emergency, there is one other option on the table for $5, 000 personal loans with bad credit. That is a payday loan, or two. These loans, also called no credit check loans or cash advance loans, are given to people based on their income rather than their credit score. Generally, the max amount you can expect from a payday loan is $1, 500. This means that getting a $5, 000 personal loan through payday loans will take more than one lender.
Also, it's important to note that payday loans are often only offered for a very short period of time and never more than 90 days. These loans are meant as temporary solutions only and generally carry a higher rate of interest than any other loan on the market.
Getting Emergency Cash
If you have bad credit, your options for emergency cash are limited. However, you can get a $5, 000 personal loan with bad credit by being creative. You can also combine some of the options above to meet your needs so long as you plan to repay all the money you take in a responsible and timely manner.
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