Check into Cash Loans

Check Into Cash Review

Anyone can have financial problems. Whenever the money going out is more than the money coming in a cash crunch can ensue. A personal loan can keep you afloat till the money starts flowing back the right way. There are basically two types of personal loans. Knowing which works for you is the first step to making it happen.

The two basic types of personal loans are secured and unsecured.

Secured Personal Loan

A secured personal loan is “secured through the pledging of an asset that you have verifiable ownership of. The most common assets required by lenders are your home or your vehicle. Because the lender can claim these assets in the event the loan is not paid back their risk is lower than lenders of unsecured personal loans so you can expect larger loans, lower interest and longer terms.

Unsecured Personal Loan

An unsecured personal loan is completely different than secured loans in every way. Since there are no assets to back the loan, lenders have much higher risk. Due to the higher risk, loan amounts are smaller, interest rates are higher by comparison, and the length of the loans are shorter. While the application process may not be drastically different between the two types of personal loans, due to the riskier nature of unsecured loans, credit checks may be more thorough depending on the amount of the loan.

Interesting facts

  • GAP insurance is also known as Guaranteed Auto Protection or Guaranteed Asset Protection and simply known as GAP within the North American financial industry. GAP is the difference between the actual cash value of a vehicle minus all perils deductible (if at fault) and liens (especially in Canada) and the lease or loan payout minus financed...

Additional information

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Popular Q&A

Do you have to be 18 in order to get a "check into cash" loan

Yes, you must be 18 to get a payday/check cashing loan in Indiana.